Frank Cassoni (Simon Delaney), lives by his motto “always have an angle to straighten the curves”. Frank likes to think he’s one step ahead, sure that life is an obstacle race of rackets and obligations to be avoided at all costs; Frank fails to see the irony in his ducking and diving.
Set in working class Dublin, post the crash, Frank is a likeable guy trying to make a living and keep his family at bay. Large on all fronts, Frank is part of the Irish/Italian community, as his Mama likes to remind him, repeatedly, along with the countless ways he has disappointed her. His forbearers came from Italy to Dublin (via Wales) in the 1930s to establish one of the renowned chippers; a chipper Frank still runs.
Frank has raised two children Leanne and Paul now young adults, well – perhaps too well. Taking their father’s view of the world they surpassed his ability to side-step and wangle usually at Frank’s expense. Frank has reached easy street for the first time ever. He and long suffering wife of 24 years, Christine revel in empty nester syndrome but that home cinema, full fridge and peace are under threat as their high-flying daughter Leanne, her hipster boyfriend and Frank’s Mama all move “home” to the three-bed semi for one reason or another.
Salt ‘n’ Vinegar is a location based sitcom that follows Frank as he tries to keep everyone happy with as little cost to himself as possible. The world of the series revolves around the family home and takeaway.
A renewable sitcom with broad family appeal. The series will be shot on location.